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The Axminster Medical Practice The Axminster Medical Practice

Welcome to the

Axminster Medical Practice

Patients' Participation Group

What is the Patients' Participation Group?

We are a voluntary group made up of patients and practice staff, who meet at regular intervals to discuss ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice.

The PPG welcomes new members, especially representatives from families with younger or schoolaged children, patients with disabilities and patients from minority ethnic groups.

Please watch the video below for more information on PPGs in general.

If you would like to get in touch, please contact us at

cartoon figurines sitting in a debate circle
Why do we involve people in healthcare?
Like every other area in the UK, Axminster has some major healthcare challenges. We want to work with local people to meet these challenges head on. Listening to patients helps us understand people’s health needs and can identify innovative and efficient ways of designing, delivering and joining up services.
What can a PPG actually do?

There are lots of ways that PPGs can support our practice toimprove our services, the only limit is your imagination!

  • Patient experience - Feeding back the experiences of patients
  • Health promotion - Supporting patient activities such as healthawareness days, self-care, walking groups and carers support.
  • Fundraising - Helping our practice apply for funds thatimprove the patient experience such as for equipment e.g. patient wheelchairs, refreshment machines etc.
  • Information - Supporting the development of our practice leaflets, online services and newsletters.
  • Critical friend - Acting as a soundingboard for new ideas.
So what does it actually involve?
Patient volunteers of the PPG would meet approximately every 3 months with the GP lead Nick Hodges and usually the practice manager Sharon Giles. This can be face to face at the surgery or via video chat. Meetings will usually be held on a weekday evening. If you are unable to attend meetings you are still welcome to join the PPG and contribute by email.
Purpose of the PPG

We act as the patient voice in seeking to:

  • Represent the interests of patients and foster beneficial relationships with the Practice staff;
  • Provide a forum for patients to feedback on relevant topics e.g. appointment systems, telephone and on-line consultations, vaccination arrangements etc;
  • Enable patients to make suggestions to help improve the services provided by the Practice from the patient point of view;
  • Contribute to and advise on the content of the Axminster Medical Practice website, the PPG website and other Social Media platforms.
  • Conduct patient surveys;

The PPG does not deal with personal medical issues or complaints. The Practice complaints procedure can be found on the Axminster website.

Ground Rules
  • The PPG meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and personal issues.
  • Open and honest communication applies to all.
  • Be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other.
  • Respect the practice and patient donfidentiatlity at all times.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to delivering results as a group.
  • Silenece indicates agreement - speak up if you would like your suggestions to be a part of the discussion!
  • All views are valid and will be listened to.
  • No phones or other disruptions.
  • Discrimination on any grounds will not be tolerated.
  • Start and finish meetings on time and stick to the agenda.
PPG plans for the future
  • To become more visible and known to the patients as their ‘voice’ via newsletter, noticeboard, local publications and social media;
  • Increase response rates to patient surveys;
  • To develop health-related leaflets on subjects of interest to a range of patients.
cartoon figurines sitting in a debate circle
Why should I join?
You have been to the surgery as a patient, parent, carer or friend. Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way. You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS, and gather feedback from other patients.
Get Involved
If you are interested in joining our PPG please click the button below:
Get Involved
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